Thursday, June 19, 2008

baby jacket in the news

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Reflects on Week’s Weddings

Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:28:20 PDT
“Defeating gay marriage is literally the Bush agenda — being carried out by his surrogates in California,” Newsom said. “I don’t want to see Bush’s legacy carried out in our state. Voters are smarter than that in California.”

Fired US Attorney: "I was working for the Sith Lords"

Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:46:31 PDT
"They wanted us to file politically oriented prosecutions instead of just doing what our normal job is, which is enforce Federal law," Iglesias stated, explaining that Justice Department higher-ups asked the US Attorneys "to file voter fraud prosecutions when the evidence wasn't there beyond a reasonable doubt.

Medal of Honor Music Used in McCain Campaign Ad

Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:43:12 PDT
Video game soundtracks being used in a political campaign? Composer is an Obama supporter...

Everything new on student magazine subscription

Gulf Finance Plans $588 Million U.K. Property Fund, FT Reports (

Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:23:41 PDT
June 19 (Bloomberg) -- Gulf Finance House E.C., Bahrain's largest investment bank by market value, plans to start a 300 million-pound ($588 million) fund to invest in the U.K. real- estate market, the Financial Times reported , citing a bank official.