Wednesday, April 15, 2009

church sound system in the news

AlterNet condoning pirates in Somalia?

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:41:45 -0700
Filed under: Oceania , Somalia , a human rights advocacy site, has a new article posted: " Why We Don't Condemn Our Pirates in Somalia ." First of all, I want to know who gave them the pirates in Somalia. Well, turns out the article is from a Somali perspective, and that "Karma" is the reason they feel they are "biting a perpetrator in the butt." Everyone knows that piracy in Somalia is serious business. And like most serious businesses, it's complicated. Consider our Aaron

We need help on 4/15 - New spay/neuter bill in Sacramento

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:50:27 -0700
“Each year, over $250 million dollars is spent housing and euthanizing homeless dogs and cats in California. Approximately 1 million dogs and cats enter California’s shelters each year, and over half of them are euthanized (killed) simply because there are not enough homes. SB 250, if passed, will be a step in the right direction toward reducing pet overpopulation and saving hundreds and thousands of pets. We need everyone’s support. For more info on how you can help, visit www.yesonsb250.c

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