Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Everything new on leather backpack purse

Swine flu: what's weather got to do with it

Mon, 04 May 2009 11:32:40 -0700
There's a reason people don't catch the flu in the summer, for the most part, according to an interesting article by Todd Ackerman in Sunday's Houston Chronicle. Here's an excerpt: "Influenza is characterized by seasonal patterns — just as it spreads best in winter, it dies down in the summer. Flu researchers say there’s simply no precedent of widespread flu activity in the summer. The reason: Not only are people indoors more in winter, particularly schoolchildren getting the virus and

Looking for a Financial Advisor?

Mon, 04 May 2009 06:59:01 -0700
by Paul J. Easton When looking for a financial advisor, it can be very complicated to find a trusted personality who will provide sincere analysis and guidance to your decision-making in your investment choices. Look for these sets of criteria when searching for your financial advisors. Start by scrutinizing their education and experience on finance management. Are they recommended by friends or trusted peers? Do they have familiar clients who have entrusted them with their transactions?

KNWS 51 Houston adds Retro TV Network

Mon, 04 May 2009 06:26:00 -0700
Houston gets another network digital channel or .2 channel. KNWS 51 is adding the Retro Television Network to its digital offering: RTN is a television network that provides each affiliate a customized feed with classic hit shows, in addition to local programming including news, weather and sports. RTN is specifically designed to go on a broadcast digital channel. READ THE REST

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